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'El Condor Pasa' by 'Perry Como'
from the album 'Its Impossible'
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Lyrics for 'El Condor Pasa' by 'Perry Como'
I'd Rather Be A Sparrow Than A Snail,
Yes, I Would,
If I Could,
I Surely Would . . . Hmm

I'd Rather Be A Hammer Than A Nail,
Yes, I Would,
If I Only Could,
I Surely Would . . . Hmm

Away, I'd Rather Sail Away,
Like A Swan That's Here And Gone . . .
A Man Gets Tied Up To The Ground,
He Gives The World It's Saddest Sound,
It's Saddest Sound . . . Hmm

< Instrumental Break >

I'd Rather Be A Forest Than A Street,
Yes, I Would,
If I Could,
I Surely Would . . . Hmm

I'd Rather Feel The Earth Beneath My Feet,
Yes, I Would,
If I Only Could,
I Surely Would . . .

Away, I'd Rather Sail Away,
Like A Swan That's Here And Gone . . .
A Man Gets Tied Up To The Ground,
He Gives The World It's Saddest Sound,
It's Saddest Sound . . .

< Instrumental Break >

I'd Rather Feel The Earth Beneath My Feet,
Yes, I Would,
If I Only Could,
I Surely Would . . .

Yes I Would . . .

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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