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'Kennel District' by 'Pavement'
from the album 'Wowee Zowee'
All songs by Pavement
All albums by Pavement
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Lyrics for 'Kennel District' by 'Pavement'
Hold On Tight She Wears The Seek
It's Got More Stars Than The Sky
It's Still Forbidden To Excuse
That Little Look In Your Eye
I Was Busted In My Gut That Time
That Time I Said 'i Know It's True'
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?

I Can't Believe She's Married To Roe
I Would Have Turned Down The Light
But She Always Marked My Fear
Doesn't Make It Alright.
I Wanted To Stay There
But You Know I Needed More Than That
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I?

Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?
Why Didn't I Ask? Why Didn't I Ask?

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