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'Go Now' by 'Patty Griffin'
from the album 'Flaming Red'
All songs by Patty Griffin
All albums by Patty Griffin
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Lyrics for 'Go Now' by 'Patty Griffin'
Here's Your Moon
Here's Your Stars
Go Now
Go Now
Here's The Sun
Here's The Birds
Here's You Are
Go Now
Go Now

Got A Stellar Reputation
As The Star That Never Fell
As The Train That Left The Station
As The Secret That No One Could Ever Tell
Here's The Lamp
Here's The Landing
We Might Never Understand It
Go Now
Go Now
Here's The Trees Red And Gold
Here's The Snow
Here We Go Now
Let's Go Now

I Was Waiting For The Leap Year
And Got Caught Out In The Rain
Singing Like A Sparrow
Always Planning My Narrow Escape

Here's The Morning Shining On Us
Here's The Twilight Upon Us
Here's The Moon
Here's The Stars
Here I Am
Here You Are
Let's Go Now

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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