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'Go Let It Out' by 'Oasis'
from the album 'Familiar To Millions'
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Lyrics for 'Go Let It Out' by 'Oasis'
Hello Manchester. He He He Hey
2, A 3, A 4

Vesre 1

Paint No Illusion,
Try And Click With What You've Got
Taste Every Potion,
If Ya Like Yourself A Lot
Well Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
And Go Let It Out

Pick Up Ya Face!!

Verse 2

Life Is Precocious,
In The Most Peculiar Way,
Sister Pychosis,
Don't Got A Lot To Say,
She Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
Go Let It Out,
She Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
She Go Let It Out


Is It Any Wonder Why Princes And Kings,
And Clowns That Caper In Their Sawdust Rings,
Ordinary People That Are Like You And Me,
Were The Keepers Of The Destiny

Verse 3

I'm Going Leaving This City,
I'm Going Driving Out Of Town,
And Your Coming With Me,
The Right Time Is Always Now
To Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
To Go Let It Out,
To Go Let It Out,
To Go Let It In,
Go Let It Out


Is It Any Wonder Why Princes And Kings,
And Clowns That Caper In Their Sawdust Rings,
Ordinary People That Are Like You And Moi,
Were The Buliders Of Our Destiny,
We're The Builders Of Our Destiny,
We're The Builders Of Our Destiny,
We're The Builders Of Dester...
I Ain't Got A Sorry
So Ya Keep Wot Ya Like?


So Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
And Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
And Go Let It Out,
Go Let It In,
And Go Let It Out,
And Don't Let It In,
Don't Letta Hey

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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