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'Whats In A Name' by 'Nelson'
from the album 'Brother Harmony'
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Lyrics for 'Whats In A Name' by 'Nelson'
What's In A Name? What Have We Got?
I Say It's Love-you Say It's Not
Whatever It's Called, It Feels The Same
So What's In A Name? (what's In A Name?)

What's In A Word? What's The Big Deal?
It Doesn't Change The Way I Feel
I'm Just Thinking Out Loud...i'll Take The Blame
So What's In A Name? (whats's In A Name?)

I'm A Hopeless Romantic
So I'll Take The Chance
But It's Only Semantics
That's Got You Sitting Out This Dance

What's In A Name That Makes You Afraid?
How Would You Describe What We Just Made?
You're Playing With Words-this Ain't No Game
So What's In A Name? (what's In A Name?)

I'm A Hopeless Romantic So I'll Take The Chance
Because It's Only Semantics That's Got You Sitting Out This Dance
If It Looks Like A Kiss, Feels Like A Kiss, What Do You Know?
Maybe It Is...

What's In A Name? What Have We Got?
I Say It's Love-you Say It's Not
Whatever It's Called, It Feels The Same
So What's In A Name? (what's In A Name?)

I'm Just Thinking Out Loud-i'll Take The Blame
So What's In A Name? (what's In A Name?)
Aw, You're Playing With Words-this Ain't No Game
So What's In A Name? (what's In A Name?)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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