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'Come On Baby Lets Go Downtown' by 'Neil Young'
from the album 'Tonights The Night'
All songs by Neil Young
All albums by Neil Young
Neil Young CD Reviews

Lyrics for 'Come On Baby Lets Go Downtown' by 'Neil Young'
Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.
Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.

Walk On, Talk On, Baby Tell No Lies.
Don't You Be Caught With A Tear In Your Eye.

Sure Enough, They'll Be Sellin' Stuff
When The Moon Begins To Rise.
Pretty Bad When You're Dealin' With The Man,
And The Light Shines In Your Eyes.

Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.
Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.

Snake Eyes, French Fries And I Got Lots Of Gas.
Full Moon And A Jumpin' Tune, Now You Don't Have To Ask.

Sure Enough, They'll Be Sellin' Stuff
When The Moon Begins To Rise.
Pretty Bad When You're Dealin' With The Man,
And The Light Shines In Your Eyes.

Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.
Come On, Baby, Let's Go Downtown,
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Downtown.

Walk On, Talk On, Baby Tell No Lies.
Don't You Be Caught With A Tear In Your Eye.

Sure Enough, They'll Be Sellin' Stuff
When The Moon Begins To Rise.
Pretty Bad When You're Dealin' With The Man,
And The Light Shines In Your Eyes.

Pretty Bad When You're Dealin' With The Man,
And The Light Shines In Your Eyes.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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