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'What Moves The Heart' by 'Mudhoney'
from the album 'My Brother The Cow'
All songs by Mudhoney
All albums by Mudhoney
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Lyrics for 'What Moves The Heart' by 'Mudhoney'
Well, The Moon Moves The Ocean
With Its Pull
And The Sun Keeps A Rising
Over The Hill
Bodies In Motion
Mixing Emotions
Why Oh Why Oh Why
Won't My Heart Be Still?

What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?

Yeah, The Heart Keeps Beating
With A Presence Of Mind
Blood Pressure Rise
When You Walk By
Gravitate To Your Pull
I Gravitate To Your Pull
Trail The End Of Your Orbit
Like Some Kind Of Satellite

What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves, What Moves
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves The Heart?
What Moves

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