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'Why' by 'Michael Jackson'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Why' by 'Michael Jackson'
(with 3t)

Why Does Monday, Come Before Tuesday
Why Do Summers Start In June
Why Do Winters Come Too Soon
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do We Love If Love Will Die

Why Does Wednesday Come After Tuesday
Why Do Flowers Come In May
Why Springtime Go Away
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do I Love You Tell Me Why

It's Not Like I Can Explain What's In My Heart
It's Just I Feel A Crazy Pain When We're Apart
I Don't Wanna Breathe, I Don't Wannna Think
I Don't Wanna Learn
I Don't Wanna Do Anything

It's Not Like I Can Describe What's Going On
It's Just I Feel I'm Not Alive
When You're Not Home
I Don't Wanna Sleep, I Don't Wanna Be
I Just Want You Here Beside Me
Without You There's No Me

Why Does Monday Come Before Tuesday
Why Do Summers Start In June
Why Do Winters Come Too Soon
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do We Love If Love Will Die

(michael & Taryll)
Why Does Wednesday Come After Tuesday
Why Do Flowers Come In May
Why Does Springtime Go Away
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do I Love You Tell Me Why

It's Not Like I Can Escape, What's In My Soul
Cause Without You Inside My Heart
Where Can I Go
I Don't Wanna See, Girl You Without Me
I Can't Go Through Life Without You
Without You There's No Me

Why Does Monday Come Before Tuesday
Why Do Summers Start In June
Why Do Winters Come Too Soon
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do We Love If Love Will Die

Why Do The Rivers Flow To The Sea
In Every Flow I Get Your Love Over Me, Babe
Why Does My Heart Miss Your Kiss
To Be In Love, To Fall In Love
Why Don't I Feel Complete

Why Does Monday Come Before Tuesday
Why Do Summers Start In June
Why Do Winters Come Too Soon
Why Do People Fall In Love
When They're Always Breaking Up, Oh Why
Why Do I Love Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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