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'So Why So Sad' by 'Manic Street Preachers'
from the album 'Forever Delayed'
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Lyrics for 'So Why So Sad' by 'Manic Street Preachers'
Things Get Clear When I Feel Free
When Whatever Next Comes Easily
When Gentle Hands Give Life To Me
When Your Eyes Fill With Tiny Tears

When I'm This Still You Are My Life
(when I'm This Still You Are My Life)
So At Ease In The Midnight Sky
(so At Ease In The Midnight Sky)
But My Insides Will Look Like War
(but My Insides Will Look Like War)
Paralysed Except Through My Thought

So Why So Sad
You Live And You Love
So Why So Sad
Dependent On Above
Searchin' For The Dead Sea Scrolls
So Why, So Why So Sad

My Smile As Real As A Hyena's
(my Smile As Real As A Hyena's)
Burns An Expressway To My Skull
(burns An Expressway To My Skull)
But I'll Stick Myself Together Again
Spirit So Low I No Longer Pretend

So Why So Sad
You Live And You Love
So Why So Sad
Dependent On Above
Searchin' For The Dead Sea Scrolls
So Why, So Why So Sad

So Why So Sad
You Live And You Love
So Why So Sad
Dependent On Above
Searchin' For The Dead Sea Scrolls
So Why, So Why So Sad
So Why, So Why So Sad
So Why, So Why So Sad
So Why, So Why So Sad

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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