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'Coo Coo U' by 'Manhattan Transfer'
from the album 'Extensions'
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Lyrics for 'Coo Coo U' by 'Manhattan Transfer'
Coo Coo U I Think You're Coo Coo, Coo Coo U
How Did You Get So Coo Coo -- How Did You?

They Say It's A Fact That Your Head Is Cracked
(i Think That You Are Loco)
You Have Blown Your Stack You're A Maniac
(i Think That You Are Loco)
I Just Heard The News That You Blew A Fuse
(i Think That You Are Loco)
You're A Paranoid And Your Head's A Void
(i Think That You Are Loco)

(look In The Mirror)
You Are In A Fog Since You Slipped A Cog
(i Think That You Are Loco)
They Will Set You Free With Lobotomy
(i Think That You Are Loco)
Your Cerebral Vault Has A Single Fault
(i Think That You Are Loco)
It Is Quite Well Known You've Become A Clone
(i Think That You Are Loco)

Coo Coo U I Think You're Coo Coo, Coo Coo U
How Did You Get So Coo Coo - How Did You?

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