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'Die Another Day' by 'Madonna'
from the album 'American Life'
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Lyrics for 'Die Another Day' by 'Madonna'
I'm Gonna Wake Up, Yes And No
I'm Gonna Kiss Some Part Of
I'm Gonna Keep This Secret
I'm Gonna Close My Body Now

I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess, Die Another Day

I Guess I'll Die Another Day
(another Day)
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
(another Day)
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
(another Day)
I Guess I'll Die Another Day

Sigmund Freud
Analyze This
Analyze This
Analyze This

I'm Gonna Break The Cycle
I'm Gonna Shake Up The System
I'm Gonna Destroy My Ego
I'm Gonna Close My Body Now

Uh, Uh

I Think I'll Find Another Way
There's So Much More To Know
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
It's Not My Time To Go

For Every Sin, I'll Have To Pay
I've Come To Work, I've Come To Play
I Think I'll Find Another Way
It's Not My Time To Go

I'm Gonna Avoid The Cliche
I'm Gonna Suspend My Senses
I'm Gonna Delay My Pleasure
I'm Gonna Close My Body Now

I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess I'll Die Another Day

I Think I'll Find Another Way
There's So Much More To Know
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
It's Not My Time To Go

Uh, Uh


I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
I Guess, Die Another Day
I Guess I'll Die Another Day

Another Day
(repeat Six Times)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


All lyrics are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Lyrics are
subject to all international copyright laws and remain the property of their respective owners.