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'Looking For Love' by 'Lou Reed'
from the album 'The Bells'
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Lyrics for 'Looking For Love' by 'Lou Reed'
Hey, Hey, Hey

Hey Now, There's A Lovely Girl
And She's Stealin' All Your Sheets
Hey Now, There's A Lovely Girl
That's The Kind Of Girl To Meet, Oh
Hey Now, There's A Lonely Boy
And He's Lookin', Looking For Love, Ha, Ah
Ah Now, There's A Lovely Girl
And She's Looking For Some Stud.
But She's, Hey Now, Won't You Give It, Now
Won't You Give It, Give It, Give It Me, Please, Oh
Hey Now, There's A Lucky Girl
Give It, Give It, Give It To Me
Hey, Hey, Hey

Hey, Hey, Hey

Hey Now, There's An International Boy
Walkin' Around The World
Hey Now, There's A Jet Set Star
Lookin' Still For Some Little Pick Up Girl, I Said -
- Hey Now, You Used To Scratch My Back
And You Look Across The Board
Hey, Hey Now, When You Ripped Open My Shirt
You See That's Written, Hey, The Wanderer On My Chest
Hey, Hey Now, There's A Dancing Girl
Kiss You, Kiss You, Kiss You Good Bye, Ooohhh Baby Ooohhh
Hey Now, There's A Lovely Child
Look, Look, Looking For Love

Hey, Hey, Hey
Give It To Us, Baby, Now, Yeah
There Goes My Chest, Groovy On My Best, Baby, Hey, Yeah

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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