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'I Wont Let It Come Between Us' by 'Leslie Phillips'
from the album 'Dancing With Danger'
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Lyrics for 'I Wont Let It Come Between Us' by 'Leslie Phillips'
Verse 1:
You Know Wrong Can Sure Look Good Sometimes
And It's Caught My Eye Just Like A Jewel That Shines
And It Calls To Me Like One Of My Old Friends
But It's Trying To Tear My Heart From Yours In The End

But I Won't Let It, No, I Won't Let It
Oh, I Won't Let It Come Between Us
I Just Won't Let It, No, I Won't Let It
Oh, I Won't Let It Come Between Us
Because, Lord, Your Love's Too Precious To Me Now

Verse 2:
A World Of Pleasure Laying At My Feet
The Wine Of Recklessness Can Taste So Sweet
Oh, But Nothing Stirs My Soul Like Knowing You
Yet Evil's Foot Is In The Door And It's Coming Through

Repeat Chorus (twice)

Verse 3:
The Rebel In Me's Hungry To Be Wild
And I Listen To Her Like A Foolish Child
Oh, Driven By Desires In The Wind
I Find I'm Eye To Eye With Sin Once Again

Repeat Chorus (twice)

Won't Let It...won't Let It
And I Won't Let It Come Between Us
Won't Let It...won't Let It
No, I Won't Let It Come Between Us
Lord, You're Precious To Me Now
Won't Let It...won't Let It
Ooh, I Won't Let It Come Between Us
Won't Let It...won't Let It
Oh, You're Precious To Me Now

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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