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'Happy' by 'Kirsty Maccoll'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Happy' by 'Kirsty Maccoll'
Happy To See You Again
I'm Happy 'cos You're A Girl's Best Friend
I Love It When You Get Real Close
But I Don't Smile So No-one Knows
That I'm Happy Just To Be Next To You
And I Love The Way You Do The Things You Do
And It Doesn't Have To Be So Hard
To Get Happy When Love's In Charge
And I'm Happy, I'm Feeling Really Free
And I'm Not Satisfied With Misery
I Said I'm H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
Did I Ever Tell You Just How Much I Love You?
I May Have Forgotten Sometimes
With The Boats And The Stars And The Wine In The Glass
And The Touch Of Your Body On Mine
You Make Me H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)
H A P P P P Y (happy)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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