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'Lonely Teardrops' by 'John Fogerty'
from the album 'John Fogerty'
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Lyrics for 'Lonely Teardrops' by 'John Fogerty'
Lonely Teardrops, Why Do You Never Dry?
Lonely Teardrops, Come Home, Come Ho-oo-oh-oo-oh-ome,
Just Say You Will, Say You Will. Say You Will! Ah, Yeah!

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Come Ho-oo-oh-oo-oh-ome,
Just Say You Will, Say You Will, Say You Will, Say You Will, Say You Will.


Say You Will, Say You Will. Hey, Hey You! Ooh-oo-ooh,
Come On And Say That You Will, Oh Say You Will,
Yeah, Yeah, Hey. Oh Yes, Yes.

Well I Been Good To You Baby, Better Than I Been To Myself,
Well I Been Good To You Darlin', Better Than I Been To Myself,
I Want You To Say, Say You Come On, Come On, (*)
I Want You To Say Lord, Say That You'll Come On.

Yeah, Come On, Come On, Come On, Come On, Come On, Come On, Come On,
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Come On, Come On, Hey Come On,
I Ain't Lyin' To You Darlin',
Oh You Gotta Do It, Come On, Come On, Come On, Yeah, Yeah.

* - Based On The Rest Of The Song, These Are Probably All "come Home" And Not "come On", But It Sure Sounds Like It To Me!

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