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'Oh Sweet Mary' by 'Janis Joplin'
from the album 'Cheap Thrills'
All songs by Janis Joplin
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Lyrics for 'Oh Sweet Mary' by 'Janis Joplin'

Oh, Sweet Mary, Child Of Confusion, She Runs The Hills To Cry
Past The Willows Or An Illusion, Lord, Tell Me The Reason Why.
Tell Me Why, Why Is It All So Hard ?
Breathing In The Air Breathe In The Air
Anyone To Care.

(alright, Yeah!)

Oh, Sweet Mary, In Our Story, Have We Nothing Left To Give ?
But Don't We All Know, Babe, If We're Pressed To, That That's The Way We Live.
Tell Me Why, Why Is It All So Hard ?
Breathing In The Air Breathing In The Air
Anyone To Care, Oh, Yeah!

Alright Now!

Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now,
Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Hop Now, Whoa, Yeah!

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