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'Funny How' by 'Jagged Edge'
from the album 'Jagged Era'
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Lyrics for 'Funny How' by 'Jagged Edge'
It's Real Funny Baby
How One Day Everything's All Good
And Then The Next
Your World Comes Crumbling Down

Well It's Funny How, It's Funny How
Rain Drops They Fall (they Fall)
Everything's Right
It's Funny How
Everything Goes Wrong (go Wrong)
You'll Be A Friend
It's Funny How
Everyone's Gone (they're Gone)
It's Funny How, It's Funny How

Not To Long Ago, When I Need You
You Were Nowhere, I Couldn't Find You
But Now You Want Me, I Don't Wanna
Be Nowhere That You Can See Me
So If You Ever Come My Way
Turn And Walk Away

It's Funny How, It's Funny How
Rain Drops They Fall (they Fall)
Everything's Right
It's Funny How
Everything Goes Wrong (go Wrong)
You'll Be A Friend
It's Funny How
Everyone's Gone (they're Gone)
It's Funny How, It's Funny How

See You Always So Dear To Me
But Then Things Change
You Shade Away
I Need To Know Why They Changed
And Why They Couldn't Stay The Same
Somebody Take Away The Rain And
Give Me Back My Sunny Days

It's Funny How, It's Funny How
Rain Drops They Fall (they Fall)
Everything's Right
It's Funny How
Everything Goes Wrong (go Wrong)
You'll Be A Friend
It's Funny How
Everyone's Gone (their Gone)
It's Funny How, It's Funny How

It's Funny How
When You Need Your Friends Their Gone
It's Funny How Suddenly Things Turned Wrong
It's Funny How, It's Funny How
Things Never Go Your Way

It's Funny How, It's Funny How
Rain Drops They Fall (they Fall)
Everything's Right
It's Funny How
Everything Goes Wrong (go Wrong)
You'll Be A Friend
It's Funny How
Everyone's Gone (their Gone)
It's Funny How, It's Funny How

Take The Rain Away
Give Me Back My Sunny Days

Repeat To Fade

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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