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'Please Dont Let It Go' by 'Him'
from the album 'Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights'
All songs by Him
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Lyrics for 'Please Dont Let It Go' by 'Him'
We're Drifting Apart,
But I Won't Give Up, No
Wherever You Are I Belong
Love Sings Us A Song
But We Fail To Sing Along
Wherever You Go I Will Follow

So Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
And If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go
Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
And If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go

You Try To Be Strong
You've Tried It Oh So Long
Whatever I Do I Do It Wrong
And Love Sings Our Song
So Eager To Sing Along
Whatever You Do I Know It

So Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
Cause If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go
Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
Cause If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go

Don't Let Go Of Life
Let Go Of Love
Let Go Of All We Have

So Don't Let Go Of Trust
Let Go Of Lust
Let Go Of All We Share

So Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
And If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go
Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
And If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go

So Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
Cause If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go
Please Don't Let It
Please Don't Let It Go
Cause If You Won't Let It I Won't Let It Go

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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