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'Lavdate Dominvm' by 'Helloween'
from the album 'Better Than Raw'
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Lyrics for 'Lavdate Dominvm' by 'Helloween'
(m&l - Weikath)
Hallelvja, Homines
Gavdete De Domino
Qui Donat Vita Omnes, Qvod Amat Nos!

Hellelvja, Mi Devs
Tv Vivis Omnipotens
Tv Es Semper Benignvs, Tv Amas Nos!

Pater Noster In Caelis
Totvm Orbem Terrae Regnat
Et Vincit Diabovm Timorem
Et Omnivm Hominvm

O Lavdate Dominvm
Praedicate Devm
Amate Creatorem
Qui Creavit Mvndvm
Oh, Lavdate Dominvm!

Ecce Et Te Vvlt
Jesvs Liberare
Dvcere Per Vitam Tvvs Amicvs
Gavde Tv!

Amici, Dimittite
Mente Malam Pravamqve!
Anima Accipite Salvam Fidem!

Jesvs Chrisvs In Crvce
De Vita Decessit Dolens
Sed De Morte Resvrrexit Lvx Mvndi Nova

O Lavdate Dominvm
Filivm Jesvs Christvm
Omina Redenptoren
Et Spiritvm Sanctvm!
Oh, Lavdate Dominvm!

Solo 1: Michael
Solo 2: Roland

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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