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'Your Cheatin Heart' by 'Hank Williams'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Your Cheatin Heart' by 'Hank Williams'
| / / / / |
| Your Cheat - In'|

| C / / / | C7 / / / | F / / / |
| Heart_______________ Will Make you Weep_____________________
| Heart_______________ Will Pine Some Day______________________

| / / / ab7 |g7 / / / | / / / / |
| _____ You'll Cry And__ Cry___________________ And try To
| _____ And Crave The Love__________________ you Thew A -

| C / / / | / / G7 / | C / / / |
| Sleep._____________________ But Sleep Won't Come______________
| Way________________________ The Time Will__ Come______________

| C7 / / / | F / / / | / / / Ab7 |
| ___ The Whole Night Through________________ Your Cheat - In'__
| ___ When You'll Be Blue___________________ Your Cheat - In'__

| G7 / / / | / / / / | C / / / |
| Heart_____________________ Will Tell On You___________________
| Heart_____________________ will Tell On You___________________

| / / C7 / | F / / / | / / / / |
| ___ when Tears Come Down________________ Like Fall - In'
| ___ When Tears Come down________________ Like Fall - In'

| C / / / | / / / / | D7 / / / |
| Rain____________________ You'll Toss A - Round_______________
| Rain____________________ You'll toss A - Round_______________

| / / / / | G7 / / / | / / / / |
| ___ And Call My Name___________________ You'll walk The___
| ___ And Call My name___________________ You'll Walk the___

| C / / / | C7 / / / | F / / / |
| Floor__________________ The Way I Do______________________
| Floor__________________ The Way I do______________________

| / / / ab7 |g7 / / / | / / / / |
| ____ Your Cheat - In'___ Heart_____________ will Tell On
| ____ Your Cheat - In'___ Heart_____________ will Tell On

___________________________________ _________________________________
|1. |2.
| C / / / | / / G7 / | G / / / | / / / |
| You.____________ Your Cheat - In'_| You__________________

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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