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'Say It Isnt So' by 'Hall And Oates'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Say It Isnt So' by 'Hall And Oates'
(say It)

(say It Isn't So)

(say It)

(say It Isn't So)

Say It Isn't So Painful To Tell Me That You're Dissatisfied.

Last Time I Asked You I Really Got A Lame Excuse.

I Know That You Lied.

Now Wicked Things Can See 'em Goin' Down In War.

But When You Play In A Quiet Way That Bites It Even More.

(say It)

Tell Me What You Want Yeah

I'll Do It Baby I Promise Right Now.

(say It)

Who Propped You Up When You Were Stopped Low Motivation Had You On The Ground.

I Know Your First Reaction You Slide Away Hide Away Goodbye.

But If There's A Doubt Maybe I Can Give Out A Thousand Reasons Why.

You Have To Say It Isn't So...

(it Isn't So).

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So)

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So).

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So)

(say It)

We Like To Be The Strangers At The Party, Two Rebels In A Shell.

(say It)

You Like To Move With The Best Of Them You Know We Move So Well.

Don't Need Someone To Lean On. I Know That There's An Open Door.

But If I'm Faced With Being Replaced I Want You Even More So Baby Say It Isn't So...

(it Isn't So).

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So).

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So)

I Say It Isn't So

(it Isn't So)

(say It)

(say It Isn't So)

(say It)

(say It Isn't So)

Why You Gonna Go Do You Hafta Say You Wanna Go Ooh Ooh Baby Say It Isn't...

(say It Isn't)

Say Say Say It Isn't

(say It Isn't) So

(so Say It Isn't)

Why Do You Have To Say It Isn't.

(say It Isn't)


(say It Isn't)


(so Say It Isn't)

I Know It's So Hard For You...

(say It Isn't)

So Hard

(say It Isn't)

Don't Say Baby.

(so Say It Isn't)

There Must Be Some Other Way.

Don't Have To.

(say It Isn't)

Some Other Way.

(so Say It Isn't)


You Don't Have To Say.

(say It Isn't)

Oh Don't You Say

(so Say It Isn't)

Oh You Know I Want To Make You...

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