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'Jane' by 'Golden Smog'
from the album 'Weird Tales'
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Lyrics for 'Jane' by 'Golden Smog'
(f#)she Came From A Wealthy Family
(b)there Were Walls Inside The Walls
(f#)she Walked The Widow's Walk (b)so All Alone
(f#)she Watched From Every Window
(b)darkened Every Door
(f#)saw Her Reflection
In Every (g#m)wave That Hit The Shore

(a)jane, Why Don't You (e)give A Damn
(a)jane, Why Don't You (e)stay
(a)jane, Why Don't You (e)give A Damn
(a)jane, Why Don't You (e)stay

Wandered Off Into The Night
One Eye Closed, The Other Blind
Reading The Silver Side Of Signs
Don't Worry It's To Late
Some Rain Don't Come Down Straight
Everything You Had, You Lost Before

Jane, Why Don't You Give A Damn
Jane, Why Don't You Stay
Jane, Why Don't You Give A Damn
Jane, Why Don't You Stay

And When Her Scattered Thoughts Had Died
The Sand Upon Her Feet Had Dried
Among Chandeliers And Sweet Perfume

Jane, Why Don't You Give A Damn
Jane, Why Don't You Stay
Jane, Why Don't You Give A Damn
Jane, Why Don't You Stay

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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