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'Bachelor Kisses' by 'Go Betweens'
from the album 'Spring Hill Fair'
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Lyrics for 'Bachelor Kisses' by 'Go Betweens'
Hey Wait, Please Wait,
Don't Rush Off,
You Won't Be Late.

Wait, Yes, He'll Wait,
The Engine's Running
At The Gate.

Don't Believe What You've Heard,
"faithful"'s Not A Bad Word.

Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.
Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.

Hand, Hands Like Hooks,
You'll Get Hurt
If You Play With Crooks.

Your Hand, That's All He Took,
The World Opened Up
For Your Looks.

Don't Believe What You've Heard,
"faithful"'s Not A Bad Word.

Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.
Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.

The Arcade Lights Are Hanging Down.
The Rain Surrenders To The Town.
The World Of Men Don't Mean A Thing
When All They Give You Is A Diamond Ring.

Don't Believe What You've Heard,
"faithful"'s Not A Bad Word.

Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.
Oh, Won't You Save These Bachelor
Kisses Now, They're For Your Brow.

But Don't Be Slave To Bachelor
Kisses Now, They'll Break Their Vow.
But Don't Be Slave To Bachelor
Kisses Now, They'll Break Their Vow.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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