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'Why Say Goodbye' by 'Gavin Friday And The Man Seezer'
from the album 'Adam N Eve'
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Lyrics for 'Why Say Goodbye' by 'Gavin Friday And The Man Seezer'
Ok! My Shiny One, I've Something To Tell Ya...
No Secrets Told, To A Heart Cruel And Cold
I Know It's Hard, Let's Give It Another Try
You Mean So Much To Me-like The Stars In The Sky
So Why Say Goodbye? Why Say No More?

Who's Right? Who's Wrong? I Shout, You Scream
What Pleases The Eye, Plagues The Heart.
It's Strange But True, We Do As We're Done By
I'm Sorry For What I Said, Let's Go To Bed!
...the Time Has Come To Talk Of Things
Of Shoes 'n' Bells 'n' Wedding Rings
So Why Say Goodbye? Why Say No More?

Why Say Goodbye? Why Say No More?
For I Think It Is Love, For I Feel It Is Love)
For I'm Almost Sure It's Love
So What Do You Know Now?
It's Down To You And Me, Heart To Heart
Why Say Goodbye? Why Say No More?

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