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'The Sheik Yerbouti Tango' by 'Frank Zappa'
from the album 'Sheik Yerbouti'
All songs by Frank Zappa
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Lyrics for 'The Sheik Yerbouti Tango' by 'Frank Zappa'
Frank Zappa (lead Guitar, Vocals)
Adrian Belew (rhythm Guitar, Vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards, Vocals)
Peter Wolf (keyboards)
Patrick O'hearn (bass, Vocals)
Terry Bozzio (drums, Vocals)
Ed Mann (percussion, Vocals)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (background Vocals)
Andre Lewis (background Vocals)
Randy Thornton (background Vocals)
Davey Moire (background Vocals)

Why Dontcha Take It Down The Seashore, Bernie?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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