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'Dont Cry Joe (Let Her Go Let Her Go Let Her Go)' by 'Frank Sinatra'
from the album 'Essence Of Frank Sinatra'
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Lyrics for 'Dont Cry Joe (Let Her Go Let Her Go Let Her Go)' by 'Frank Sinatra'
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go,
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go.
You Got To Realize This Is The Wind-up,
You're Gonna Feel Much Better Once You Made Your Mind Up.
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go.
So You Lost Your Gal,
It's Happened Many Times Before,
So You Sit And Mope Like A Dope,
What's That Good For,
Get A Hold Of Yourself,
Forget Her,
You Lived Long Before You Met Her.
There're Lots Of Other Girls,
So I Say,
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go.
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go.
You Got To Realize This Is The Wind-up,
You'll Feel Much Better Once You Made Your Mind Up.
Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go.
Take A Look Around And See Just What You're Missing,
You'll Soon Forget Your Troubles, Joe,
If You'd Only Listen.
So Don't Cry, Joe,
Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Joe, Let Her Go.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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