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'Missing' by 'Fools Garden'
from the album 'For Sale'
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Lyrics for 'Missing' by 'Fools Garden'
(hinkel / Freudenthaler)

How Does It Feel?
Now That We're Softly Falling
Say Do You Feel The Same
Heroes Won't Fall,
Heroes Won't Fall

How Does It Feel?
Now That We're Slowly Sinking
Say Do You Feel The Same
It's Wide Open Now,
Wide Open Now

Oh, Don't Miss You Anymore
The Battlefields Remain
But It's Better Than Before
Oh, I Don't Miss You

Oh, Don't Miss You Anymore
The Fear Remains The Same
But It's Better Than Before
Oh, I Don't Miss You

Heaven Is Wide Again
Silence Is Always Speaking
We Tried Now We Sail - The Clouds
Cry As They Fall,
Cry As They Fall

Oh, Don't Miss You Anymore
The Battlefields Remain
But It's Better Than Before
Oh, I Don't Miss You

Oh, Don't Miss You Anymore
The Fear Remains The Same
But It's Better Than Before
Oh I Don't Miss You
I Don't Miss You

I Still Miss You
We Couldn't Stay Afloat
Now We're Washed Upon The Shore
Oh, I Don't Miss You Anymore
I Still Miss You!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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