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'The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly' by 'Flipper'
from the album 'Sex Bomb'
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Lyrics for 'The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly' by 'Flipper'
There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed A Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.
There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Bird,
How Absurd! To Swallow A Bird,
She Swallowed The Bird To Catch The Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Cat,
Imagine That! To Swallow A Cat,
She Swallowed The Cat To Catch The Bird,
She Swallowed The Bird To Catch The Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Dog,
What A Hog! To Swallow A Dog,
She Swallowed The Dog To Catch The Cat,
She Swallowed The Cat To Catch The Bird,
She Swallowed The Bird To Catch The Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Goat,
Just Opened Her Throat! To Swallow A Goat,
She Swallowed The Goat To Catch The Dog,
She Swallowed The Dog To Catch The Cat,
She Swallowed The Cat To Catch The Bird,
She Swallowed The Bird To Catch The Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Cow,
I Don't Know How She Swallowed A Cow!
She Swallowed The Cow To Catch The Goat,
She Swallowed The Goat To Catch The Dog,
She Swallowed The Dog To Catch The Cat,
She Swallowed The Cat To Catch The Bird,
She Swallowed The Bird To Catch The Spider,
That Wriggled And Jiggled And Tickled Inside Her,
She Swallowed The Spider To Catch The Fly,
I Don't Know Why She Swallowed The Fly,
Perhaps She'll Die.

There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Horse,
She's Dead—of Course!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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