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'Overcome' by 'Finley Quaye'
from the album 'Much More Than Much Love'
All songs by Finley Quaye
All albums by Finley Quaye
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Lyrics for 'Overcome' by 'Finley Quaye'
She Said Would It Be Good If You Started To Look For Your Saviour - Holy Land
Smoke On Your Spliff It Will Give You Lift Have A Good Time - Say My Prayers
Fully Aware Of The People That Care In The World - Be My Friend
I Never Wanted Any Struggle - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Never Wanted Any Trouble - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Why Don't You Come Over? Why Don't You Come Over?
Heaven's Above Would You Give Me Some Love In Return - I Have Learned
I Wanted To Touch To Tell Just How Much I Love You - Stay With Me
I'll Travel The World I'll Be Missing You Girl And Our Baby - Ease The Pain
Flat On My Face Must Have Fallen From Grace It's Disgraceful - Our Family Tree
I Never Wanted Any Struggle - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Never Wanted Any Trouble - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Overcome - Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Why Don't You Come Over? Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Why Don't You Come Over? Why Don't You Come Over?
I Only Wanted Your Love - Why Don't You Come Over? Why Don't You Come Over?

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