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'Crash' by 'Feeder'
from the album 'Polythene'
All songs by Feeder
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Lyrics for 'Crash' by 'Feeder'
I Put My Best Foot First And It Got Burnt
Communication Always Hurts
I've Got Myself So Deep Inside A Hole
I Taste The Air Go Thin As I Get Old, As I Get Old
I Don't Think So

She's My Hands, She's My Hands
Picks Me Up When I Crash Down
Build Me Wings So I Can Glide
She's My Novocaine Ride

Pick Up The Pieces Of My World
Glue Thme Together, I Wish I Could
I Can't Believe It As The Picture Fades
Just Like A Tv, But The Sound Remains
I Don't Think So, No, I Don't Think So


Feel It As I Shake
Shatter Illusions Fade
Taste My Bitter Tears
Cut My Heart With Shears

I Don't Think So, I Don't Think So


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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