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'Why Go' by 'Faithless'
from the album 'Sunday 8pm'
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Lyrics for 'Why Go' by 'Faithless'
Don't Go
I Didn't Know You'd Be Here, And I Wasn't Meant To Come.
I'd Be Sitting Watching Tv If There Was Anything Decent On,
If I'd Missed The Taxi Or Found Nothing Good To Wear.
But For Some Uncertain Reason, Some Strange Uncertain Reason,
This Is How It All It All Began.

(why Go?) Why Go, (when You Could Stay Awhile)?
(why Go?) Why Go, (when You Could Stay Awhile)?

If I Made Some Coffee, Would You Sit And Talk Some More?
I Know Words Are Usually Pointless When You've Used Them All Before.
The Way Your Smile Fills The Room --
Stay Awhile. Kick Off Your Shoes. Don't Go. Please Stay. --
It Always Happened This Way.

(why Go?) Why Go, (when You Could Stay Awhile)?
(why Go?) Why Go, (when You Could Stay Awhile)?
The Way Your Smile Fills The Room --
Stay Awhile. What's There To Lose? --
The Way You Laugh, When I Say, Don't Go. Please Stay.
Why Go? Why Go, When You Could Stay Awhile?
Why Go? Why Go, When You Could Stay Awhile,
When You Could Stay With Me Tonight?

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