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artist album song
'Wild Child' by 'Enya'
from the album 'A Day Without Rain'
All songs by Enya
All albums by Enya
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Lyrics for 'Wild Child' by 'Enya'
Ever Close Your Eyes.
Ever Stop And Listen.
Ever Feel Alive.
And You've Nothing Missing.
You Don't Need A Reason
Let The Day Go On And On.

Let The Rain Fall Down.
Everywhere Around You
Give Into It Now.
Let The Day Surround You
You Don't Need A Reason
Let The Rain Go On And On

What A Day, What A Day To Take To
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through.
What A Day, What A Day To Take To A Wild Child

Only Take The Time.
From The Helter Skelter.
Every Day You Find.
Everything's In Kilter.
You Don't Need A Reason.
Let The Day Go On And On

Every Summer Sun,
Every Winter Evening.
Every Spring To Come
Every Autumn Leaving.
You Don't Need A Reason
Let It All Go On And On.

What A Day, What A Day To Take To.
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through
What A Day, What A Day To Take To A Wild Child.
What A Day, What A Day To Take To.
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through.
What A Day, What A Day To Take To A Wild Child.

What A Day, What A Day To Take To.
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through.
What A Day, What A Day To Take To.
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through
What A Way, What A Way To Make It Through
What A Day, What A Day To Take To A Wild Child
What A Day, What A Day To Take To A Wild Child

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