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'Let It Flow' by 'En Vogue'
from the album 'Best Of En Vogue'
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Lyrics for 'Let It Flow' by 'En Vogue'
Another Wave Has Arrived
Being Funk Is So Surprise
Welcome The World Of Xtc
When The Funk Takes Over Me
No Need To Try To Run Away
The Funk Will Find You The Mail Today
It's Best If You Relax Your Soul
Grab Someone, Take The Floor, Let It Go
Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(what'd You Say)
Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(in Your Heart And In Your Vein)
Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(free Your Mind)
Did You Ever Make It Stop?

Feel It Groovin' Hard Within
Body Is Shakin' And Head's In Sea
Why Would Anyone Dare To Deny It
Funk Is Fine, Don't Try To Fight It
The Funk Is The Epitome

Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(what'd You Say)
Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(in Your Heart And In Your Vein)
Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow(free Your Mind)
Did You Ever Make It Stop?

Don't You Part With It
I Devoured It
You Can Work With It
You Can Part With It
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Give'em Folks What They Need
What You Need Is Indeed
A Little Funk From Ev
Now Hit Me
Sounds So Funky, You'd Agree
Funky Divas In 3-d
Let If Flow
Did You Ever Make It Stop?


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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