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'Just Another Rhumba' by 'Ella Fitzgerald'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Just Another Rhumba' by 'Ella Fitzgerald'
It Happened To Me
On A Trip To The West Indies
Oh, I'm All At Sea
Since That Trip To The West Indies

I'm Jittery
I'm Twittery
I Guess I'm Done For
I Guess I'm Through
And It's Something About Which There's Nothing Anyone Can Do

It Isn't Love
It Isn't Money Trouble
It's A Very Funny Trouble:

It's Just Another Rhumba
But It Certainly Has My Numb-bah
So Much So, That I Can't Eat Or Slum-bah
Can You Imagine Anything Dumb-bah?

Why Did I Have To Plan A
Vacation In Havana?
Why Did I Take That Trip
That Made Me Lose My Grip?
Oh! That Piece Of Music Laid Me Low
There It Goes Again:

Just Another Rhumba
Which I Heard Only Last Septum-bah
I'm A Wreck, Why Did I Have To Succumb-bah
Can You Imagine Anything Dumb-bah?
Why Did I Have To Succumb-bah
To That Rhumba?

Ahah, I'm The Cucaracha, Who Just Went Blah
And Gave Up Swinging Ha-cha, Ahah
Ahah, At First It Was Devine-ah
But It Turned Out A Cuban Frankenstein-ah

Ahah, It's Got Me By The Throat-ah!
Oh, What's The Antidote-ah?
Ahah, It Brought Me Woe And Strife-ah
Oh, Where's A Gun Or Knife-ah?
It's The Rhumba That Blighted My Life
There It Goes Again:

Just Another Rhumba
But It Certainly Has My Numb-bah
So Much So, That I Can't Eat Or Slum-bah
Can You Imagine Anything Dumb-bah?
Why Did I Have To Succumb-bah
To That Rhumba?

(instrumental Break)

There It Goes Again:

Just Another Rhumba
But It Certainly Has My Numb-bah
So Much So, That I Can't Eat Or Slum-bah
Can You Imagine Anything Dumb-bah?
Why Did I Have To Succumb-bah
To That Rhumba?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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