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'Never' by 'Electrafixion'
from the album 'Burned'
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Lyrics for 'Never' by 'Electrafixion'

Feeling Sick
And I Need A Fix
The One Won't Get
The Lights Are On
In Heaven No One's Home

I Need To Tell
Of How I Fell
Into A One Way
No Hold's Spell
I Thought I Had The Answers
Now I Don't Know

Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(all The Thing's)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(we'll Never Do)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(no, No)

Comes The Breeze
My Heart Is Dying On It's Knees
The Bizzard's On
No Way Home
The Thief's Gone Down
________ The Frill
I'm Left To Shiver In The Chill
Everything Is Gone
And I'm Alone

All The People
We'll Never Be

No Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(all The Thing's)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(we'll Never Do)
Now, N-now, Now, Now

_________on High
And So Am I
The Truth Just Goes
To Prove The Lies
So Open Up The Gate
To Let Me In

I'm Not Gonna Feel The Same Again
It's Memories In The Falling Rain
I Feel Like Going Straight In Again

Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now (no)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(all The Thing's)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(we'll Never Do)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(all The Thing's)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(we'll Never Do)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(all The Thing's)
Now, N-now, Now, Now
(we'll Never Do)
Now, N-now, Now, Now

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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