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'Evergreen' by 'Echo And The Bunnymen'
from the album 'Evergreen'
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Lyrics for 'Evergreen' by 'Echo And The Bunnymen'
There's No More Wishes In The Well
No More Dreams To Sell
No Time In The Hourglass
There's No More Lies For You To Tell
Your Heaven Is Your Hell
You Future Dying In The Past

Ever, Ever, Evergreen
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah

I Know I'm Never Going To Learn
Fingers Fit To Burn
You Can't Let The Fire Die
Keep The Flame Of Your Desire
Always Rising Higher
Aim For The Stars And Hit The Sky

Ever, Ever, Evergreen
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah

There's No More Wishes In The Well
No More Dreams To Sell
No Time In The Hourglass
There's No More Lies For You To Tell
Your Heaven Is Your Hell
You Future Dying In The Past

Ever, Ever, Evergreen
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah

Ever, Ever, Evergreen
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah (evergreen)
Ah, Ah, Ah (evergreen)
Ah, Ah, Ah (evergreen)
Ah, Ah, Ah (evergreen)
Ah, Ah, Ah (evergreen)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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