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'Want' by 'Disturbed'
from the album 'Sickness (Explicit)'
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Lyrics for 'Want' by 'Disturbed'
Your Mind Wont Let You Say That You Want Me
Your Mind Wont Ever, Never Let You Say What You Want
You Howl And Wail Like A Banshee
Still Your Mind Wont Ever Let You Say
My Little Tired Devutee
Your Mind Wont Even Let You Feel

Quivering Now, Shivering Now, Withering
Your Mind Wont Let You Say That You're
Wondering Now, Pondering Now, Hungering
Wont Let You Say That You're
Questioning, Wavering, Weakening
You Mind Wont Let You Say That You're
Hearkening, Listening, Heeding Me Now
Wont Let You Say That You Want

Your Mind Wont Let You Say That You Want Me
Your Mind Wont Ever, Never Let You Have What You Want
I Feel Your Hunger To Taste Me
Still Your Mind Wont Ever Let You Say
Your Kind Is Just The Type That Should Use Me
But Your Mind Wont Seem To Let You Have
The Opportunity To Abuse Me
Your Mind Wont Even Let You Feel

Savor The Addiction, Savor The Affliction
Savore Me

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