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'Rx Queen' by 'Deftones'
from the album 'White Pony'
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Lyrics for 'Rx Queen' by 'Deftones'
I Wont Stop Following You
Now Help Me Pray For
The Death Of Everything New
Then We'll Fly Farther

'cause You're My Girl And That's Alright
If You Sting Me, I Wont Mind

We'll Stop To Rest On The Moon
We'll Make A Fire
I'll Steal A Carcass For You
Then Feed Off The Virus

'cause You're My Girl And That's Alright
If You Sting Me, I Wont Mind
Cause You're My Girl And That's Alright
If You Sting Me, I Wont Mind

Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting

I See A Red Light In June
And I Hear Crying
You Turn Newborn Baby Blue
Now We're All The Virus

You're My Girl And That's Alright
If You Sting Me, I Wont Mind

'cause You're My Girl And That's Alright
If You Sting Me, I Wont Mind

Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting
Now Lookout
Lookout Now
Lookout - Sting...

Lookout Now, Lookout Now
Lookout Now, Lookout Now...stay
Lookout Now, Lookout Now
Lookout Now, Lookout Now
Lookout Now, Lookout Now
Lookout Now, Lookout Now...stay
Lookout Now, Lookout Now
Lookout Now, Lookout Now

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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