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'White Light White Heat' by 'David Bowie'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'White Light White Heat' by 'David Bowie'
(as Heard On The Ziggy Farwell Concert Lp.)

White Light - White Light Gonna Drive Me Out Of My Brain
White Light - White Light Gonna Make Me Feel So Insane
White Heat - White Heat Shapin' Them Down To My Toes
White Light - White Light's Got It Now, Goodness Knows

White Light - White Light Gonna Drive Me Out Of My Mind
White Light - White Light's Surely Gonna Make Me Blind
White Heat - White Heat Shaping Way Down To My Toes
White Light - White Light Could Kill Me Now, Goodness Knows

Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Heat
Oh, Oh, White Heat

White Light - White Light Gonna Drive Me Out Of My Brain
White Light - White Light Gonna Make Me Feel So Insane
White Heat - White Heat Shapin' Them Down To My Toes
White Light - White Light's Got It Now, Goodness Knows

White Light - White Light Gonna Drive Me Out Of My Mind
White Light - White Light's Surely Gonna Make Me Blind
White Heat - White Heat Shaping Way Down To My Toes
White Light - White Light Could Kill Me Now, Goodness Knows

Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Heat
Oh, Oh, White Heat

Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Light
Oh, Oh, White Heat
Oh, Oh, White Heat

White Light's A-flashing
White Light
Still Feels Right
What's That Sound, What's That Sound
Don't Turn On, Be Dead Or Alive
No Feeling
Here She Comes
Oww, Yeah
(oh, Oh, Oh, Oh) Here She Comes
(oh, Oh, Oh, Oh)
(oh, Oh, Oh, Oh)
(ah, Ah, Ah, Ah)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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