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'Everything Is You' by 'David Bowie'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Everything Is You' by 'David Bowie'
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

I'm Walking Down The Middle Of The Road
Close My Eyes Pretend I'm Going Home
The Trees Surround My Mind Like Your Perfume...

Your Voice Is In The Wind That Blows
I See Your Name On Stony Ground
I Look Around And Everything Is You.

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

Wake Up Each Morning Rise Up From My Bed
A Little Piece Of Leather 'round My Head
To Stop The Sweat From Dripping On My Eye...

Your Grace Is In The Tree I See
Your Strength Is In The Axe I Wield
I Look Around And Everything Is You

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

The Foreman Is An Evil Man
(he Stops My Pay
Gets In My Way
But I've Got To Stay)

I've Got To Earn Some Money
(make Your Dreams Come True)
I Look Around And Everything Is You.

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

The Night's Are Cold, Your Memories Keep Me Warm
Just The Thought Of You Can Keep Me Working On
Showed Your Picture To The Guys In My Gang...

Whilst Sitting 'round An Open Fire
My Memories Grow Warm And Strong
I Look Around And Everything Is You

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

I Look Around And Everything Is You

Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh
Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh - Buh - Duh.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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