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'Dont Look Now (It Aint You Or Me)' by 'Creedence Clearwater Revival'
from the album 'Willy And The Poorboys'
All songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival
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Lyrics for 'Dont Look Now (It Aint You Or Me)' by 'Creedence Clearwater Revival'
Who Will Take The Coal From The Mine?
Who Will Take The Salt From The Earth?
Who'll Take A Leaf And Grow It To A Tree?
Don't Look Now, It Ain't You Or Me.

Who Will Work The Field With His Hands?
Who Will Put His Back To The Plough?
Who'll Take The Mountain And Give It To The Sea?
Don't Look Now, It Ain't You Or Me.

Don't Look Now, Someone's Done Your Starvin';
Don't Look Now, Someone's Done Your Prayin' Too.

Who Will Make The Shoes For Your Feet?
Who Will Make The Clothes That You Wear?
Who'll Take The Promise That You Don't Have To Keep?
Don't Look Now, It Ain't You Or Me.


Who Will Take The Coal From The Mines?
Who Will Take The Salt From The Earth?
Who'll Take The Promise That You Don't Have To Keep?
Don't Look Now, It Ain't You Or Me.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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