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'The Little Drummer Boy' by 'Charlotte Church'
from the album 'Dream A Dream'
All songs by Charlotte Church
All albums by Charlotte Church
Charlotte Church CD Reviews

Lyrics for 'The Little Drummer Boy' by 'Charlotte Church'
Come, They Told Me, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
A New Born King To See, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
Our Finest Gifts We Bring, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
To Lay Before The King, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
Rum Pum Pum Pum, Rum Pum Pum Pum.
So To Honour Him, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
When We Come.

Baby Jesus, Parum Pum Pum Pum,

I Am A Poor Boy Too , Parum Pum Pum Pum,
I Have No Gift To Bring, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
That's Fit To Give Our King, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
Rum Pum Pum Pum, Rum Pum Pum Pum.
Shall I Play For You, Parum Pum Pum Pum
On My Drum?

Mary Nodded Parum Pum Pum Pum,

The Ox And Lamb Kept Time, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
I Played My Drum For Him, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
I Played My Best For Him, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
Rum Pum Pum Pum, Rum Pum Pum Pum.
Then He Smiled At Me, Parum Pum Pum Pum,
Me And My Drum.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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