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'Do Something Different' by 'Brave Combo'
from the album 'Polka Party With Brave Combo'
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Lyrics for 'Do Something Different' by 'Brave Combo'
Don't Believe Anyone
Don't Read Your Mail
Make Light Of Every Word You Hear
Turn Off Your Radio
Quit Your Job
Do Something Different (disappear)
Do Something Different (disappear)

Think Like A Child
Laugh At Cocaine
Never Ever Ever Do What's Proper Again
Understand Everyone Crystal-clear
Remove Yourself From Fashion And (disappear)
Rid Yourself Of Fashion And (disappear)

Reverse Your Morality
Listen To Bands
That Play Only Music
You Can't Stand
Forget How To Worry
Enjoy Your Fears
Cancel Life Insurance (disappear)
Cancel Life Insurance (disappear)

Repeat Verse 1

Think Day Is Chic
Think Night Is Weak
Think Day Is Chic
Think Night Is Weak
Think Day Is Chic
Think Night Is Weak
Think Day Is Chic
Think Night Is Weak
Think Day Is Weak
Think Night Is Chic
Think Day Is Weak
Think Night Is Chic
Think Day Is Weak
Think Night Is Weak
Think Day Is Weak

Do Something Different!
Quit Your Job!
Turn Off Your Electricity!
Do Something, Do Something!
Do Something Different!
Put Your Foot Through Your Tv!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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