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'Loves Gonna Let You Down' by 'Boy George'
from the album 'Martyr Mantras'
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Lyrics for 'Loves Gonna Let You Down' by 'Boy George'
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Hey Oh Yeah
Love's Gonna Let You Down

Sure I Know So Much If I Know So Much
What Am I Doing Here?
You Say That I'm A Fool But You Say So Many Things
I Used To Be A Boy But Now It Seems I'm A Man
Pick Myself Up Off The Floor
For Another Game Of Who's Gonna Hurt Me Now

Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Keep Your Feet On The Ground

Sure I Know So Much, If I Know So Much
Why Are You Treating Me This Way?
You Say That I'm A Fool But Then You Say So Many Things
I Used To Be A Boy But Now It Seems That I'm Alone
Pick Myself Up Off The Floor
For Another Game Of Who's Gonna Use Me Now

Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground

Love's Gonna Let You Down
It's Gonna Let You Down
So Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Love's Gonna Let You Down

Down Down Let You Down
It's Gonna Let You Down
Love Let You Down
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Keep Your Feet On The Ground
Love's Talk About Love
Keep Your Feet On The Ground

Love's Gonna Let You Down
You Say That I'm A Fool
But You Say So Many Things
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Love's Gonna Let You Down
Gonna Let You Down

Love's Gonna Let You
Love's Gonna Let You
Love's Gonna Let You Down

Love's Gonna Let You
Love's Gonna Let You
Love's Gonna Let You Down

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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