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'Natty Dread' by 'Bob Marley'
from the album 'Natty Dread'
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Lyrics for 'Natty Dread' by 'Bob Marley'
Dread, Natty Dread Now, (natty Dread)
Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (natty Dread)
Natty Dreadlock In A Babylon: (natty Dread)
A Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (natty Dread)
Eh! Children Get Your Culture (natty Dreadlock)
And Don't Stay There And Gesture, A-ah, (natty Dreadlock)
Or The Battle Will Be Hotter (natty Dreadlock)
And You Won't Get No Supper. (natty Dreadlock)

Natty Dread, Natty Dread, Now; (natty Dread)
A Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (natty Dread)
Natty Dreadlock In A Babylon - (natty Dread)
Roots Natty, Roots Natty! (natty Dread)

Then I Walk Up The First Street, (natty Dreadlock)
And Then I Walk Up The Second Street To See. (natty Dreadlock)
Then I Trod On Through Third Street, (natty Dreadlock)
And Then I Talk To Some Dread On Fourth Street. (natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dreadlock In A Fifth Street, (natty Dreadlock)
And Then I Skip One Fence To Sixth Street. (natty Dreadlock)
I've Got To Reach Seventh Street: (natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dreadlock Bingy Bongo I (natty Dread)
Natty Dread, Natty Dread, Now, (natty Dread)
Roots Natty Congo I. (natty Dread)

Oh, Natty, Natty,
Natty 21,000 Miles Away From Home, Yeah!
Oh, Natty, Natty,
And That's A Long Way
For Natty To Be From Home.

Don't Care What The World Seh; (natty Dread)
I'n'i Couldn't Never Go Astray. (natty Dread)
Just Like A Bright And Sunny Day: (natty Dread)
Oh, We're Gonna Have Things Our Way. (natty Dread)
Natty Dread, Natty Dreadlock, (natty Dreadlock)
Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (natty Dreadlock)
Don't Care What The World Seh; (natty Dreadlock)
I'n'i Gonna Have Things Our Way. (natty Dreadlock)
If A Egg Natty In A The Red - (natty Dreadlock)
If A Egg Natty In A The Red. (natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dread, Natty Dreadlock. /fadeout/

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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