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'Please Mrs Henry' by 'Bob Dylan'
from the album 'The Basement Tapes'
All songs by Bob Dylan
All albums by Bob Dylan
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Lyrics for 'Please Mrs Henry' by 'Bob Dylan'
Well, I've Already Had Two Beers
I'm Ready For The Broom
Please, Missus Henry, Won't You
Take Me To My Room?
I'm A Good Ol' Boy
But I've Been Sniffin' Too Many Eggs
Talkin' To Too Many People
Drinkin' Too Many Kegs
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
I'm Down On My Knees
An' I Ain't Got A Dime

Well, I'm Groanin' In A Hallway
Pretty Soon I'll Be Mad
Please, Missus Henry, Won't You
Take Me To Your Dad?
I Can Drink Like A Fish
I Can Crawl Like A Snake
I Can Bite Like A Turkey
I Can Slam Like A Drake
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
I'm Down On My Knees
An' I Ain't Got A Dime

Now, Don't Crowd Me, Lady
Or I'll Fill Up Your Shoe
I'm A Sweet Bourbon Daddy
An' Tonight I Am Blue
I'm A Thousand Years Old
And I'm A Generous Bomb
I'm T-boned And Punctured
But I'm Known To Be Calm
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
I'm Down On My Knees
An' I Ain't Got A Dime

Now, I'm Startin' To Drain
My Stool's Gonna Squeak
If I Walk Too Much Farther
My Crane's Gonna Leak
Look, Missus Henry
There's Only So Much I Can Do
Why Don't You Look My Way
An' Pump Me A Few?
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
Please, Missus Henry, Missus Henry, Please!
I'm Down On My Knees
An' I Ain't Got A Dime

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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