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'Aginst Th Law' by 'Billy Bragg'
from the album 'Mermaid Avenue Vol Ii'
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Lyrics for 'Aginst Th Law' by 'Billy Bragg'
It's Aginst Th' Law To Walk, It's Aginst Th' Law To Talk
It's Aginst Th' Law To Loaf, It's Aginst Th' Law To Work
It's Aginst Th' Law To Read, It's Aginst Th' Law To Write
It's Aginst Th' Law To Be A Black, Brown Or White

Ever'thing's Aginst Th' Law
I'm A Low Pay Daddy Singing Th' High Price Blues

It's Aginst Th' Law To Eat, It's Aginst Th' Law To Drink
It's Aginst Th' Law To Worry, It's Aginst Th' Law To Think
It's Aginst Th' Law To Marry Or Try To Settle Down
It's Aginst Th' Law To Ramble Like A Bum From Town To Town

Ever'thing's Aginst Th' Law
I'm A Low Pay Daddy Singing Th' High Price Blues

It's Aginst Th' Law To Come, It's Aginst Th' Law To Go
It's Aginst Th' Law To Ride, It's Aginst Th' Law To Roll
It's Aginst Th' Law To Hug, It's Aginst Th' Law To Kiss
It's Aginst Th' Law To Shoot, It's Aginst Th' Law To Miss

Ever'thing's Aginst Th' Law
I'm A Low Pay Daddy Singing Th' High Price Blues

It's Aginst Th' Law To Gamble, It's Aginst Th' Law To Roam
It's Aaginst Th' Law To Organize Or Try To Build A Home
It's Aginst Th' Law To Sing, It's Aginst Th' Law To Dance
It's Aginst Th' Law To Tell You All Th' Trouble On My Hands

Ever'thing In Winston-salem Is Aginst Th' Law
I'm A Low Pay Daddy Singin' Th' High Price Blues

Words: Woody Guthrie (1947) - Music: Billy Bragg (1995)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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