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'Sorry' by 'Bic Runga'
from the album 'Drive'
All songs by Bic Runga
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Lyrics for 'Sorry' by 'Bic Runga'
Wring Out My Guilt And Hang It On The Line
Its Been Raining All Week, It Won't Get A Chance To Dry
I've Been Looking Round The Pantry For A Box Of Sorries
I'm All Run Out Yeah
I'm All Run Out
It's Not That Hard To Say I Know
It's Not That Hard To Say I Know
It's Not That Hard To Say
So Why Can't I Say It Now?

And Its Been Swelling Up Inside Like The Kitchen Sponge
Its On The Back Of My Throat, Its On The Tip Of My Tongue
If I Could Sweep It Out He Door That Would Be The End
But This Wind Keeps Blowing It In Again

It's Not That Hard To Say I Know
It's Not That Hard To Say I Know
It's Not That Hard To Say
So Why Can't I Say It Now?

Say It Now, Say It Now, Say It Now!
Say It Now, Say It Now, Say It Now!

And I've Been Locking All The Doors And Drawing All The Blinds
It Always Seems To Find Its Way Back Inside
If I Could Sweep It Out The Door That Would Be The End
But This Wind Keeps Blowing It In Again

So I Can Say It Now
Say It Now, Say It Now, Say Now!
Say It Now, Say It Now, Say Now!
Say It Now, Say It Now, Say Now!
Say It Now, Say It Now, Say Now!
It's Not That Hard To Say I Know

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