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'Baby Its Cold Outside' by 'Bette Midler'
from the album 'For The Boys'
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Lyrics for 'Baby Its Cold Outside' by 'Bette Midler'
Bette: I Really Can't Stay
James: But Baby, It's Cold Outside.
Bette: I Got To Go 'way.
James: But Baby, It's Cold Outside.
Bette: This Evening Has Been
James: Been Hopin' That You'd Drop In.
Bette: So Very Nice.
James: I'll Hold Your Hands, They're Just Like Ice.
Bette: My Mother Will Start To Worry.
James: Beautiful, What's Your Hurry?
Bette: My Father Will Be Pacing The Floor.
James: Listen To That Fireplace Roar.
Bette: So Really I'd Better Scurry.
James: Beautiful, Please Don't Hurry.
Bette: Well, Maybe Just A Half A Drink More.
James: Put Some Records On While I Pour.
Bette: You Know The Neighbors Might Think.
James: But Baby, It's Bad Out There.
Bette: Er, What's In This Drink?
James: No Cabs To Be Had Out There.
Bette: I Wish I Knew How
James: Your Eyes Are Like Starlight Now.
Bette: To Break This Spell.
James: I'll Take Your Hat, Your Hair Looks Swell.
Bette: I Ought To Say No, No, No Sir.
James: Mind If I Move In Closer?
Bette: At Least I'm Gonna Say That I Tried.
James: What's The Sense In Hurtin' My Pride?
Bette: I Reall Can't Stay,
James: Baby, Don't Hold Out.
Bette: Ah, But It's Cold Outside.
James: Baby, It's Cold Outside.
Bette: Ah, But It's Cold Outside.
James And Bette: Baby, It's Cold Outside.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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