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'Interlude In The Bathroom Given So Much' by 'Before Dark'
from the album 'Daydreamin'
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Lyrics for 'Interlude In The Bathroom Given So Much' by 'Before Dark'
(mia) Hey, I Gotta Go To The Bathroom
(jeni G.) Well You're Not Going By Yourself
(arike) Well I'm Not Staying Here By Myself
(jeni G.) Let's Just All Go
(jeni G.) Mia, Would You Hurry Up, We're Missing All The Good Parts
(mia) Okay, I'm Coming
(arike) Hey, Listen You Guys, Listen How It Sounds In Here, Hey, Hey
(jeni G.) Hey, Let's Sing Something
(arike) Alright
(mia) Okay

Given So Much
Given So Much Of Your Love And Grace
You Have Given To Me
(given To Me Lord)
Given To Me, Given To Me, And I Thank You Now
(and I Thank You Now)
You Have Given To Me, Oh

Thank You For Being My Best Friend
Thank You For Sticking With Me Till The End
When I'm Wrong, When I'm Right
Lord I'm So Glad You Never Left My Side
So Glad You Never Left My Side
Always There To Be My Guide
Lord I Thank You For Giving To Me

Given So Much
Given So Much Of Your Love And Grace
You Have Given To Me

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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